Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Pic of the Day (E-941-05 and Q-397-08)

Once again it is "Fostoria West" even though the location of this photo is actually at East Fostoria along the B&O mainline. UP C44-9W # 9754 (ex-CNW # 8650) smokes it up while leading brand new UP ES44AC # 7736 on main 2 with CSX train Q-397-08 (Willard, OH - Toledo/Stanley Yard, OH freight), who is navigating around the parked E-941-05 (Cleveland, OH - Cicero, IL/BNSF/Powder River unit coal empties) on main 1, sporting two more brand new GE's, BNSF ES44DC #'s 7585 and 7583.

Apparently E-941 has encountered a problem (anyone have details?) on this Wednesday evening as the train is already being re-crewed, yet is past the signal at East Fostoria and sitting directly on the crossovers. A superintendent is on board the train and in charge of its operation while waiting for a new crew to arrive. Meanwhile, a parade of westbounds has been going around the parked E-941, starting with Q-151-08 (Cleveland, OH - Detroit, MI double stack intermodal, with GCFX SD40-2 #'s 3069 and 3099) and the pictured Q-397-08, both of whom had to cross over at Columbus Avenue to make the turn for Toledo, followed by Q-137-07 (Penn Mary Jct, MD - Chicago/Global I, IL intermodal, with CSXT ES44DC #'s 5446 and 5461) and Q-091-08 (Albany, NY - UP/Wallula, WA perishable express empties, with UP ES44AC #'s 5319 and 5341), and then Q-291-07 (Buffalo, NY - Toledo/Stanley Yard, OH freight/automotive, with HLCX SD40-2 # 7197 in blue, and HLCX SD40T-2 # 6158 in SP speedlettering paint), who also had to cross over at Columbus Avenue after getting around the parked coal empties. Next up will be eastbound Q-368-08, and as of 7:30 pm, E-941-05 is still stopped at East Fostoria.

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Top Photo:

March 5th, 2008:

Spring may be on the way soon, but it was certainly not here yet on this winter morning of storm recovery, full of snow, ice, and grey skies.

Through the scene next to old B&O depot in Fostoria blasts BNSF SD70MAC # 9618, looking rather ghostly with its "BN" logo no longer on the nose. She is leading CSXT train U-994-04 (Cicero, IL/BNSF - Colona, PA Powder River coal loads) eastbound on B&O main # 2, along with BNSF SD70MAC # 9404, also in the "executive" colors. Both units also have fairly newly applied "swoosh" patches on the sides of the cabs, not visible here.

The winter weather delayed many trains on this day, but didn't keep the Fostoria Rails from being just as busy as ever.
All content and images copyright 2007-2008 Fostoria Rails and Phil Michaels unless otherwise noted.