Thursday, August 16, 2007

Railfan Alert # 6

8/16/2007, 9:45 AM:

Heads up for: Deshler, Fostoria, and Toledo areas.

According to F Tower at about 9:30 AM, there are apparently problems on the Bates secondary this morning (thus affecting traffic between Deshler and Toledo via the B&O Toledo route). Thus, according to him, there could be "a lot of reroutes" using the northwest transfer. Traffic levels would stay the same in Deshler, but trains normally using the transfer to and from Toledo will go to and from Fostoria instead. It is not known if ALL trains are affected, or only some, and which ones, or for how long (or what the problems are). In Fostoria, this will likely mean an increase in traffic during the day today with trains using the northwest transfer that don't normally operate this way. It will also mean trains going through Walbridge Yard in Toledo that may not normally do so either.

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Top Photo:

March 5th, 2008:

Spring may be on the way soon, but it was certainly not here yet on this winter morning of storm recovery, full of snow, ice, and grey skies.

Through the scene next to old B&O depot in Fostoria blasts BNSF SD70MAC # 9618, looking rather ghostly with its "BN" logo no longer on the nose. She is leading CSXT train U-994-04 (Cicero, IL/BNSF - Colona, PA Powder River coal loads) eastbound on B&O main # 2, along with BNSF SD70MAC # 9404, also in the "executive" colors. Both units also have fairly newly applied "swoosh" patches on the sides of the cabs, not visible here.

The winter weather delayed many trains on this day, but didn't keep the Fostoria Rails from being just as busy as ever.
All content and images copyright 2007-2008 Fostoria Rails and Phil Michaels unless otherwise noted.